Are spider veins a cause for concern?

While most spider veins are merely a cosmetic nuisance, there are times when spider veins are an early warning sign of an underlying circulation problem that needs to be evaluated by a doctor.
Dr. Samir Damani
October 18, 2023

Key takeaways

  • Spider veins are usually harmless and primarily a cosmetic concern.
  • They can be caused by various factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, and prolonged standing or sitting.
  • In some cases, spider veins may be a sign of venous insufficiency or other circulatory problems.
  • Treatment options for spider veins range from lifestyle changes to medical procedures, depending on the severity and underlying cause.

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are tiny, dilated, superficial blood vessels that lie just under the surface of the skin.  They most commonly appear around the ankles and legs, but may also appear on the face. They appear as tiny reddish-blue wisps or in a web-like.

While most spider veins are merely a cosmetic nuisance, there are times when spider veins are an early warning sign of an underlying circulation problem that needs to be evaluated by a doctor.

Who Gets Spider Veins?

Genetics seem to play a role in who develops spider veins, as well as age.

Also, people who spend long periods on their feet, have increased pressure in the veins of their legs and contribute to the development of spider veins over time.

Spider veins may also be caused by the following:

  • Weight gain or obesity
  • Sun exposure
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Pregnancy

What Are the Symptoms of Spider Veins?

For many, spider veins are a cosmetic nuisance that appears as tiny, tangled networks of veins, web-like in appearance, just under the surface of the skin.  It is most common to develop spider veins in the legs and feet, but they may appear on the face.

When they are merely an unsightly, embarrassing, issue, spider veins do not cause symptoms beyond their appearance.

Others, however, may experience a range of symptoms related to their spider veins, including:

  • Pain
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Heaviness in the legs

When Spider Veins May Be More Than Just a Cosmetic Issue

At times, spider veins may serve as an early warning sign to an underlying health condition or circulatory problem such as Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI).  CVI occurs when valves in your veins are weakened or no longer working correctly, allowing blood to flow backward and pool in the legs and feet.

When blood is not able to travel efficiently through the veins, tissues cannot receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to stay healthy.

CVI is a chronic and progressive condition that requires a medical evaluation and treatment to ensure that more serious health concerns do not arise.

Keep in mind, should your spider veins not be related to an underlying vein condition such a CVI, spider veins should be evaluated as they can cause problems or increase in number, mainly when reticular veins are the root cause.

What Are Reticular Veins?

While spider veins are small and superficial, they are often accompanied by more substantial, bluish-greenish, veins that are called reticular veins.  Also called “feeder” veins as they supply spider veins with blood, they play a significant role in the development of spider veins and can impact treatment outcomes.

When reticular veins are the cause of your spider veins, spider veins will recur if the underlying reticular veins are not treated as well.

Both reticular veins and spider veins can be treated in the same way and at the same time.

Spider Vein Treatment

The most common treatments for spider veins are Sclerotherapy and Laser Therapies.


Sclerotherapy involves the injection of a solution (sclerosant) or foam directly into the diseased veins.  The solution irritates the vein walls and causes them to scar and collapse. As a result, blood is rerouted to nearby healthier veins.  Over time, the collapsed vein will be absorbed by surrounding tissue, and the treated veins will fade.

Typically, more than one treatment is necessary to achieve the desired results.  If done properly, sclerotherapy is highly effective, safe, and involves minimal side effects.

Anesthesia is not required and is performed in your doctor’s office.  You can anticipate returning to your regular activities immediately.

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery utilizes intense bursts of light that are sent directly into the vein.  These bursts of light cause the vein to fade and disappear slowly. This procedure is done without incisions or needles.

For larger veins, laser surgery is not as effective as sclerotherapy.  Over time, post-treatment, veins may fade but will not disappear completely.  Also, some people may experience new spider veins developing in the treated area.

Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVLT)

EVLT is a newer treatment designed for spider veins and smaller varicose veins.

During this procedure, your doctor will make a small incision at the site of the diseased vein.  A small laser fiber is inserted into the vein where heat is directly applied to the vein. The thermal energy damages the collagen in the vein walls, causing the vein to collapse and seal shut.

It will typically take the vein several months, or up to a year, to entirely disappear.

A local anesthetic is used to minimize discomfort during the incision and when the heat is directed into the vein.

Contact iThriveVeins Today

Contact iThriveVeins to schedule a consultation regarding your spider veins and any concerns that you may have!

You deserve to live free from any embarrassment you may have in regards to the appearance of your spider veins.  More importantly, the peace of mind knowing that your spider veins are not an early warning sign of a more dangerous health condition.  

The bottom line

While spider veins are generally harmless and cosmetic in nature, they may indicate underlying circulatory issues. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.


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